The ferry service provided by Island Escape for Antigua and Barbuda will no longer be available.The luxury 150 passenger fast ferry which debuted in Antigua in November of 2019 under a “fully founded” charter to PLH Ltd. (Barbuda Ocean Club) has met its contractual obligations and will depart next week for the BVI to service the route between St. Thomas and Tortola with the return of the cruise ships. According to the owner of the ferry, Mark Rosandich “the decision to leave Antigua was a difficult one”.
Why we keep asking the same questions of each Olympic cycle, Every four years, the Antiguan and Barbudan public asks the same questions of the athletes competing at the Summer Olympics. Why aren’t we in the finals and semi-finals?
This Olympic year, Antigua and Barbuda put forth six athletes to compete at the Tokyo Olympics. From athletics, Cejhae Greene and Joella Lloyd; for swimming Stefano Mitchell and Samantha Roberts; from boxing Alston Ryan and in sailing Jalese Gordon. Of the six, Green and Ryan made official qualifying standards. The remaining four were given places through the universality system that allows developing nations to send their best athletes to the Games without making official qualifying standards.
Great news for Antigua and Barbuda as British Airways after 30 years of serving the island has officially relaunched its service from London Heathrow Airport departing six days a week from April to October. The carrier’s resumption comes as Antigua and Barbuda is included on the UK’s Green List of travel destinations. “The demand for holidays to Antigua and Barbuda has been immense, particularly with our inclusion on the UK’s Green List.
(H.O.P.E) Foundation (Antigua)
Food Drive
ABAT is collaborating with Hold On Pain Ends (HOPE) Foundation (Antigua) to address the issue of food security among marginalized populations in Antigua, effecting men, women and older adults. CV19 has affected many people in Antigua and across the world. With the lack of social supports available, these donations will help address this ongoing need of families to feed themselves.
The Pivot.Envisioning a technologically empowered Caribbean In April 2021
Envisioning a technologically empowered Caribbean In April 2021, the Inter Development Bank (IDB) alongside the Caribbean Climate-Smart Accelerator, the Singularity University and The Destination experience released an ebook on the Caribbean Pivot website that captures the imagination of a future Caribbean. They coopted some of the regions promising illustrators to capture the essence of a vision of a technologically empowered Caribbean twenty years in the future.
We are all in this together.
SVG appreciates a group from the Antigua and Barbuda Community that provided helping hands to Cari-on and the SVG Relief Effort at Morning Star Christian Fellowship church in Scarborough on Thursday April 22, by transporting relief items from drop off locations as well as sorting and packing the "Canada Family Boxes", - each box with a variety of Food and Care Package items. Organized by John Mills, photos include:
John Mills, Lurvy Williams, Sylvester Williams, Eric Delfish, Fitzroy Tonge, George Galloway
The Soufriere’s: A recollection of the Caribbean’s most active volcanoes
Antiguans living on the island back in 1997 remember the ash. Falling like grey snow. Covering cars and houses and irritating the eyes and respiratory systems. From the south-west the ash came, where the island of Monsterrat stood. Billowing clouds of ash darkened the skies like an overcast stormy day. With the ash came the Monsterratans, fleeing their erupting island, fleeing for their lives.
Caribbean volcanoes